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Kenna Knight


Creating a Successful Coalition

3/1/2016 (new)
Authors: Kenna Knight

Coalition can be defined as a group of people or groups who have joined together for a common purpose. How to start a coalition is not a mystery. First you identify your need, and then you find individuals or organizations that are interested in helping to find a solution for that need.

Departments: Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Using Leadership Skills to Improve Quality of Life (CLD3 series)
Size: 167 kb
Pages: 2


Why Form a Coalition?

7/28/2015 (new)
Authors: Kenna Knight

A coalition is two or more organizations that work together to reach a common goal. Usually the goals of a coalition include one of the following: changing or creating public policy, changing or influencing individual behavior or building a healthier community.

Departments: Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Using Leadership Skills to Improve Quality of Life (CLD3 series)
Size: 166 kb
Pages: 2


Mobilizing Members, Volunteers and Leaders in Community Organizations: Calling the Group to Action: FCS Facilitator's Guide

2/6/2013 (new)
Authors: Kenna Knight

Organizational participants will be mobilized in order for anything to be accomplished by being engaged, motivated and supervised.

Departments: Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Developing Organizational Leadership (CLD2 series)
Size: 303 kb
Pages: 3


Influencing Others with the Stories You Tell: FCS Facilitator's Guide

6/20/2012 (new)
Authors: Steve Isaacs, Janet Johnson, Kenna Knight, Laura Stephenson

Effective leaders have learned that good illustrations can make a point. Stories can be used to train, mentor, and coach others.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Developing Personal Leadership (CLD1 series)
Size: 286 kb
Pages: 4


Understanding and Dealing with Conflict: FCS Facilitator's Guide

6/20/2012 (new)
Authors: Steve Isaacs, Kenna Knight

Successful conflict resolution relies on understanding how to utilize the correct conflict response for each circumstance and the removal of barriers to effectiveness.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Developing Personal Leadership (CLD1 series)
Size: 292 kb
Pages: 6