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Megan Romano


Forage-Related Disorders in Cattle: Nitrate Poisoning

10/24/2022 (minor revision)
Authors: Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Megan Romano, Ray Smith

Nitrates are natural constituents of all plants. Under normal conditions, plants take up nitrate through their roots and transport it to the leaves for use in photosynthesis. However, photosynthesis decreases under adverse environmental conditions (e.g., drought; leaf damage due to disease, hail, frost, insects, or herbicides; cool and cloudy weather; and other plant stressors). When photosynthesis is reduced, nitrate transportation to the leaves slows also. Potentially toxic nitrate concentrations can remain in the lower stalks and stems.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Veterinary Science
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 804 kb
Pages: 5


Guide to Plants of Kentucky Potentially Poisonous to Livestock

4/22/2022 (minor revision)
Authors: Michelle Arnold, J.D. Green, Megan Romano

Poisonous plants are responsible for considerable losses to farmers and stockmen in Kentucky. Many cases of plant poisoning are never diagnosed or even suspected. There are nearly 100 different species of plants growing in Kentucky that under certain conditions may be poisonous to livestock, although only one third of these are likely to cause serious trouble. The primary purpose of this publication is to enable individuals to recognize, at sight, some plants which are known to be dangerously poisonous, and to have knowledge of those additional plants, which, under certain conditions, may cause trouble.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Veterinary Science
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 22.50 mb
Pages: 60