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Kim Strohmeier


Communications Essentials for Good Impressions: ANR Facilitator's Guide

7/27/2012 (new)
Authors: Chuck Stamper, Kim Strohmeier

A person will not be able to do what's needed in an organization--fulfilling a vision, carrying out goals, delegating responsibilities, and managing the day-to-day functions--without effective communications with farmers and other stakeholders.

Departments: Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Developing Personal Leadership (CLD1 series)
Size: 320 kb
Pages: 3


Influencing Others with the Stories You Tell: ANR Facilitator's Guide

7/27/2012 (new)
Authors: Chuck Stamper, Kim Strohmeier

Stories can be used to train, mentor and coach others. Stories of how others have dealt with change can be useful to agricultural organizations managing their own change or communicating complex facts or basic truths.

Departments: Community and Leadership Development, County Extension
Series: Developing Personal Leadership (CLD1 series)
Size: 361 kb
Pages: 5