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Alison Davis


The Kentucky Agricultural Economic Outlook for 2013

12/5/2012 (new)
Authors: Alison Davis, Will Snell, Jeff Stringer, Billy Thomas, Tim Woods

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Forestry and Natural Resources
Series: Agricultural Economics (AEC series)
Size: 490 kb
Pages: 4


The Economics of Biofuels: An Overview

9/18/2009 (new)
Authors: Alison Davis

Recently a large amount of interest has been shown in renewable energy options in Kentucky. Many seem to have recognized both the positive and negative impacts of the corn-based ethanol trend we have seen in the last few years.

Departments: Agricultural Economics
Series: Agricultural Economics (AEC series)
Size: 280 kb
Pages: 4


Buying a Home 101

7/9/2009 (new)
Authors: Alison Davis

At a time when housing prices were increasing at a tremendous rate, banks could taste the profits associated with giving loans to families who did not understand the financial commitment they were signing their names to. To avoid falling into the same pattern, it is imperative that you understand all of the terms of the loan and that you are sure that the loan payments fall within your budget.

Departments: Agricultural Economics
Series: Agricultural Economics (AEC series)
Size: 260 kb
Pages: 2