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George Day


2011 Kentucky Compost Bedded Pack Barn Project

4/26/2013 (new)
Authors: Jeffrey Bewley, Randi Black, George Day, Joe Taraba

Kentucky dairy producers are adopting compost-bedded pack barns (CBP) as dairy cattle housing at a rapid rate. When properly managed, as an alternative dairy housing system, CBPs may decrease somatic cell count (SCC), increase production, and reduce lameness. Because the system is relatively new, however, many questions remain regarding best management practices and key factors for success. University of Kentucky dairy scientists and agricultural engineers conducted a comprehensive observational study of Kentucky CBPs from October 2010 to March 2011. The goal of this research was to determine key management concepts that determine success or failure in the compost-bedded pack system.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 1.00 mb
Pages: 13


Compost Bedded Pack Barn Design: Features and Management Consideration

11/12/2012 (new)
Authors: Jeffrey Bewley, Randi Black, Flavio Damasceno, George Day, Joe Taraba

The compost bedded pack barn is a housing system for lactating dairy cows. It consists of a large, open resting area, usually bedded with sawdust or dry, fine wood shavings and manure composted into place and mechanically stirred on a regular basis.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 15.44 mb
Pages: 32