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Ron Fleming


Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky

9/8/1999 (new)
Authors: Les Anderson, Jenny Cocanougher, Richard Coffey, Bill Crist, Ron Fleming, Kim Henken, Doug Overhults, Tony Pescatore, Monroe Rasnake, Bill Thom

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Animal and Food Sciences, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Interprogram (IP series)
Size: 641 kb
Pages: 6


Assessment of the Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky

9/1/1999 (new)
Authors: Les Anderson, Jenny Cocanougher, Richard Coffey, Bill Crist, Ron Fleming, Kim Henken, Doug Overhults, Tony Pescatore, Monroe Rasnake, Bill Thom

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Animal and Food Sciences, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Interprogram (IP series)
Size: 794 kb
Pages: 18