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Don Hershman


A Comprehensive Guide to Wheat Management in Kentucky

2/23/2016 (reprinted)
Authors: Bill Bruening, J.D. Green, John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, Doug Johnson, Chad Lee, Jim Martin, Sam McNeill, Michael Montross, Lloyd Murdock, Doug Overhults, Greg Schwab, Lee Townsend, Dick Trimble, Dave Van Sanford

The soft red winter wheat grown in Kentucky is the fourth most valuable cash crop in the state. Winter wheat has been an integral part of crop rotation for Kentucky farmers. Wheat is normally harvested in June in Kentucky and provides an important source of cash flow during the summer months.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Entomology, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 6.50 mb
Pages: 72


Soybean Cyst Nematode Management Recommendations for Kentucky, 2015

11/1/2014 (reviewed)
Authors: Don Hershman

SCN-resistant soybean varieties are an essential tool in the management of SCN. Although some of the early resistant varieties lagged behind susceptible varieties in yield, newer resistant varieties adapted for use in Kentucky do not suffer the same yield penalty. In fact, in the absence of SCN, it is common for modern SCN-resistant varieties to out-yield the best susceptible varieties in university research trials.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 546 kb
Pages: 4


Winter Decline Syndrome of Canola

9/1/2014 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman, Carrie Knott

Interest in producing canola in Kentucky has greatly increased in recent years. Many farming operations wish to diversify their production systems with different row crops that require little to no additional equipment or infrastructure costs; canola is such a crop. Additionally, newer canola cultivars have improved agronomic traits, including winter hardiness. Lastly, more stable markets in Kentucky have greatly increased the profitability of canola.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Canola Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-R series)
Size: 600 kb
Pages: 2


Sampling Soybean Fields for Soybean Cyst Nematode Analysis

1/1/2014 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

The soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines, SCN) causes many millions of dollars worth of damage to Kentucky soybean fields each year. This occurs even though damage is mostly preventable and controls are inexpensive. This situation exists because a large number of soybean producers are unaware that cyst nematode is damaging their crops. In most cases soybean cyst nematode will cause significant yield reductions without producing any detectable symptoms in soybeans. When symptoms do occur, they are frequently thought to be associated with some other factor, such as soil compaction or low soil fertility.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 679 kb
Pages: 3


Soybean Foliar Spots and Blights

5/1/2013 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Soybean foliage is susceptible to a number of fungal and bacterial pathogens. These pathogens cause leaf spots and blights and are generally common in Kentucky; however, few fields in any given year are seriously damaged by foliar diseases. Crop rotation and weather that is unfavorable to disease typically keeps foliar diseases at low levels. Occasionally an extended period of wet and humid weather in July to early August will result in significant amounts of foliar disease and yields may be seriously affected. However, this scenario is relatively uncommon in Kentucky.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 856 kb
Pages: 6


Downy Mildew of Soybean

9/1/2012 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Small, irregular spots on upper leaf surfaces are initially pale yellow in appearance, later becoming gray-brown with a yellowish margin. On the underside of the leaves, the spots have a gray, fuzzy appearance due to the presence of the pathogen. These fungal-like tufts are reproductive structures of the organism and their appearance is diagnostic for this disease. Symptoms frequently occur at low levels throughout the crop canopy. Early leaf spots are non-descript and are commonly confused with leaf spots and pustules caused by soybean rust.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 538 kb
Pages: 2


Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot of Soybean

7/1/2012 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Phytophthora root and stem rot (PRSR), caused by Phythophthora sojae, is infrequently encountered in Kentucky. However, where it does occur, the disease can be quite destructive. Soon after planting, P. sojae can cause damping-off of germinating seeds and/or young seedlings. Severe stand loss often necessitates replanting. Alternately, this pathogen can infect and kill established plants of susceptible soybean varieties any time during the season. Varieties that have some resistance to P. sojae may be stunted, but rarely die. PRSR is primarily a problem in poorly drained fields (due to high clay content, "hard pan," and/or soil compaction) or areas of fields that are prone to flooding.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 355 kb
Pages: 3


Brown Spot of Soybean

6/1/2012 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Brown spot, caused by the fungus Septoria glycines, is present in all soybean fields in Kentucky. In most years the disease causes little to no yield impact; however, up to 15% yield losses can occur in select environments. For example, brown sport tends to be worse where soybeans follow no-till soybeans, where early-maturing varieties are planted, and/or when fields are planted in late April. River bottom fields or fields subject to fog or morning shade are frequently impacted.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 420 kb
Pages: 2


Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) in Kentucky

6/1/2012 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Wheat streak mosaic (WSM) is a potentially devastating virus disease of wheat. In the United States, WSM is most prevalent in hard red wheat grown in the central Great Plains region. Soft red winter wheat produced in the mid-south and Midwest is infrequently impacted by WSM. Epidemics are rare in Kentucky with the only recorded ones occurring in 1989 and 2000.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 282 kb
Pages: 4


Assessing Foliar Diseases of Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat: Principles and Practices

11/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman, Paul Vincelli

This publication provides basic information on how to conduct disease assessments in on-farm trials. The focus is on foliar diseases, since root diseases are much more difficult to assess properly. The publication begins with fundamentals of proper design of field trials.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Miscellaneous Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-MISC series)
Size: 719 kb
Pages: 5


Foliar Fungicide Use in Corn and Soybeans

10/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman, Cheryl Kaiser, Paul Vincelli

Interest in the use of foliar fungicides for corn and soybean has expanded dramatically in the U.S. over the past few years, resulting in a major change in how these crops are being produced on many farms. Until recently, foliar fungicides for soybeans and corn were reserved for seed production fields to protect seed quality in very specific circumstances or for specialty crops. Applications for the purpose of protecting crop yield were rarely economical. However, the current trend in Kentucky, as well as many other corn/soybean producing states, is towards an increased use of foliar fungicides on these crops as a means of maximizing yields.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: General Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-GEN series)
Size: 1.09 mb
Pages: 9


Fungicide Use in Wheat

9/1/2011 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Disease management is a key component of high-yielding wheat production. In most years, it simply is not possible to produce high wheat yields without paying attention to disease control. Most diseases are best managed through the use of multiple tactics, both proactive (e.g., crop rotation, delayed and/or staggered planting plates, use of resistant varieties of varying maturities, proper fertility, and application of seed treatment and/or foliar fungicides) and reactive (e.g., application of foliar fungicides and timely harvest). Fungicides are just one tool in the disease management arsenal; however, growers often place too much emphasis on this one tool.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 459 kb
Pages: 8


Black "Sooty" Head Mold of Wheat

9/1/2011 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Each year, just prior to and during wheat harvest, the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratories at Princeton and Lexington receive many samples with questions about severe head molding. This condition is known as black head mold or sooty head mold.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 264 kb
Pages: 2


Seed Treatment Fungicides for Soybeans: Issues to Consider

4/1/2011 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Kentucky soybean producers frequently ask the question "Is it advisable to treat soybean seed with fungicides?" There is no pat answer to this question because of the many variables involved. Historically, soybean has not been treated to the same extent that corn and wheat have in the U.S. There are many good reasons for this, and some of them are discussed below. However, the trend is toward greater use of fungicide seed treatment on soybean, both in Kentucky and nationally.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 400 kb
Pages: 3


The Importance of Scouting Wheat for Plant Diseases

4/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman

For a variety of reasons, few Kentucky wheat producers place much emphasis on scouting their wheat diseases. Time and labor constraints (for do-it-yourselfers), the cost of hiring a crop consultant, and indifference to the need for scouting rank among the top reasons why this is the case. However, scouting is essential for those interested in managing diseases using an integrated approach.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 195 kb
Pages: 2


Preplant Decisions Greatly Impact Disease Potential in Wheat

4/1/2011 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Kentucky wheat producers have a majority of their disease management program in place once the seed is in the ground. By that time, decisions have been made regarding the length of time since the last wheat crop, tillage method and seedbed preparation, variety selection, seed quality, seed treatment, planting date, seeding rate, seeding method, and fall fertility. Individually and collectively, these decisions play an important role in determining which diseases might develop, their severity, and their potential impact on crop yield, test weight, and grain quality. Because pre-plant and planting decisions are so important in the management of wheat diseases, you need to understand how they influence disease development.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 413 kb
Pages: 4


Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus (WSSMV)

2/1/2011 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Wheat spindle streak mosaic (WSSM), also known as wheat yellow mosaic, is a common virus disease that affects only wheat. In most years, WSSM has little to no impact on crops grown in Kentucky. However, significant yield damage can occur in highly susceptible varieties when conditions favor infection and subsequent disease development.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 308 kb
Pages: 3


Barley Yellow Dwarf

1/1/2011 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman, Doug Johnson

Barley yellow dwarf (BYD) is a virus disease that can cause serious yield loss when stunted and discolored plants are widely distributed in a field. Severe losses due to BYD occur state-wide about every five years or so, but individual fields are impacted to varying degrees each year. There are many diseases that can reduce wheat yields, but in the case of BYD, most of the disease management decisions (such as field selection, tillage practices, variety, and planting date) are made by the time the seed is actually sown in the fall.

Departments: Entomology, Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 602 kb
Pages: 5


Soybean Rust Fungicide Use Guidelines

6/1/2010 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Effective use of fungicides to control soybean rust is not very complicated. The whole idea is to wait to spray until the soybean rust risk is at least moderate, and make a fungicide application before significant infection has occurred. This means applying fungicides when plant pathologists in and around Kentucky are "sounding the alarm," but before symptoms are evident. Many soybean producers in the deep South have been using fungicides to control soybean rust since 2005 with considerable success. I believe we will have the same experience if it ever becomes necessary to apply fungicides for soybean rust in Kentucky.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 473 kb
Pages: 2


Take-All of Wheat

5/1/2010 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Bachi, Don Hershman

"Take-all" is the common name of a root, crown, and basal stem (foot) rot that primarily affects wheat, but can also affect barley, oats, rye, as well as other grass crops and weeds. The disease has been known to destroy entire stands of wheat, thus the name. Barley, oats, rye, and other grass crops, however, have not been seriously impacted in Kentucky. Take-all is most common where susceptible crops are grown continuously without adequate rotation, or in fields where weedy grass hosts were not controlled in non-host crops, and were subsequently sown to wheat. The disease is rarely a serious problem in Kentucky due to excellent weed control practices, as well as the widespread adoption of cropping systems where wheat is produced, at most, every other year.

Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 248 kb
Pages: 2


Wheat Bacterial Streak

5/1/2010 (new)
Authors: Paul Bachi, Don Hershman

Occasionally, wheat leaves and spikes are invaded by the bacterium, Xanthomonas campestris pv. translucens. When leaf tissue is affected, the resulting disease is known as bacterial streak. When the bacterium invades the head, the disease is called black chaff. While this disease has primarily been a problem in the lower mid-South, it is often found in Kentucky in fields that have been impacted by strong winds with blowing soil or following a damaging freeze.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Small Grains Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-SG series)
Size: 247 kb
Pages: 3


Soybean Diseases Control Series: Soybean Cyst Nematode

1/1/2010 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) exists virtually everywhere soybean is grown in Kentucky. The pest is insidious in that significant yield damage often occurs without the appearance of visible disease symptoms. This is an extremely important point because it suggests that farmers are frequently unaware that SCN is active and doing damage in a field.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 336 kb
Pages: 4


Cercospora Leaf Blight in Kentucky

10/1/2009 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman

In most years, Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) is a minor disease problem in Kentucky soybeans. It is one of the more common "late-season" diseases, but usually comes in too little, too late to cause damage. However, in wet, late seasons like the one we experienced in 2009, significant yield and grain/seed quality losses can occur in fields that develop severe CLB before pod fill has completed.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 296 kb
Pages: 3


Comparing No-Till and Tilled Wheat in Kentucky

8/26/2009 (new)
Authors: Dottie Call, Larry Grabau, John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, John James, Doug Johnson, Jim Martin, Lloyd Murdock, Dave Van Sanford

Historically, wheat planting in Kentucky has involved tillage. With conventional tillage practices, most residues from the previous crop are cut and buried prior to seeding wheat. No-till wheat planting eliminates tillage and reduces soil erosion, particularly on sloping soils, as well as reducing labor, machinery, and energy costs.

Departments: Entomology, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 233 kb
Pages: 10


Value of Wheat Residue in Soybean Cyst Nematode Management

3/1/2009 (minor revision)
Authors: Don Hershman

Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN; Heterodera glycines) is the most widespread and significant pest of soybean in Kentucky. SCN is managed primarily by rotating fields to non-host crops (such as corn) and using SCN-resistant varieties. However, for a variety of reasons, producers occasionally desire to plant a SCN-susceptible variety.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Soybean Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-S series)
Size: 218 kb
Pages: 3


No-Till Small Grain Production in Kentucky

5/1/2000 (new)
Authors: John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, Doug Johnson, Jim Martin, Sam McNeill, Lloyd Murdock, Dick Trimble, Dave Van Sanford, Bill Witt

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Entomology, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 467 kb
Pages: 11


1998 Agronomy Research Report

7/1/1998 (new)
Authors: Richard Barnheisel, Mike Barrett, Morris Bitzer, Bill Bruening, Lowell Bush, Dottie Call, Mike Collins, Mark Coyne, Maelor Davies, David Ditsch, Charles Dougherty, Dennis Egli, Don Ely, Larry Grabau, J.D. Green, John Grove, Jimmy Henning, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, John Johns, Doug Johnson, Fred Knapp, Garry Lacefield, Eugene Lacefield, Bill Maksymowicz, Jim Martin, Lloyd Murdock, Gary Palmer, Bob Pearce, Todd Pfeiffer, Tim Phillips, Chuck Poneleit, A.J. Powell, Monroe Rasnake, Charles Slack, Scott Smith, Robert Spitaleri, Norm Taylor, Dennis Tekrony, Bill Thom, Charles Tutt, Dave Van Sanford, Ken Wells, David Williams, Bill Witt

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Entomology, KTRDC, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 403 kb
Pages: 56


Kentucky Winter Wheat Calendar

9/1/1997 (reprinted)
Authors: Morris Bitzer, J.D. Green, John Grove, Jim Herbek, Don Hershman, Doug Johnson, Jim Martin, Sam McNeill, Lloyd Murdock, Lee Townsend, Dick Trimble, Dave Van Sanford

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Entomology, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 117 kb
Pages: 2