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Michele McHugh


Fence Line Stiles, Escapes, and Refuges

1/23/2019 (new)
Authors: Steve Higgins, Michele McHugh, Lee Moser

Opening farm gates for trucks, tractors, equipment, and livestock is unavoidable. However, opening a large gate, or a set of gates, for a person on foot is extremely inefficient, especially if the entrance does not put the producer where they need to be. An inconveniently located gate can lead to additional steps and unnecessary movements. Opening gates may require dealing with clasps, chains, or ropes just to get the gate unfastened. The gate may then have to be lifted or dragged open and closed. The bottom-line is that entering a poorly installed and unmaintained gateway can make the experience of opening and closing gates a time consuming nuisance.

Departments: Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Series: Agricultural Engineering (AEN series)
Size: 9.30 mb
Pages: 4