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Paul Vincelli


Managing Spring Dead Spot in Bermudagrass

2/4/2021 (major revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Spring dead spot is the most destructive disease of bermudagrass in Kentucky. The most serious outbreaks occur under high maintenance conditions; e.g., high nitrogen fertility, low mowing height, and frequent traffic. Moderate to severe outbreaks can occur under low-maintenance conditions as well.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 816 kb
Pages: 4


Necrotic Ringspot and Summer Patch in Kentucky Bluegrass Lawns

9/11/2020 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Necrotic ring spot and summer patch are two patch diseases that can be very destructive when Kentucky bluegrass is grown under intensive management. In addition to bluegrass, certain fine-leaved fescues are susceptible.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 793 kb
Pages: 4


Anthracnose in Commercial Turfgrass

2/13/2020 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Anthracnose is primarily a disease of intensely managed turfgrass, such as creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass, on golf course putting greens. Outbreaks are generally induced by environmental conditions or cultural practices that result in stress to the turf. The anthracnose pathogen can incite a foliar blight phase or the more destructive basal rot phase.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 527 kb
Pages: 4


Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases, 2020

11/19/2019 (major revision)
Authors: Gregg Munshaw, Paul Vincelli

Turgrasses under intensive management are often subject to outbreaks of infectious diseases. Good turf management practices often greatly reduce the impact of disease by promoting healthy plants that are better able to resist infections. Even under good management, however, diseases sometimes cause excessive damage to highly managed turfgrasses. The proper use of fungicides in these instances, in conjunction with good cultural practices that promote quality turf, can be an important part of an overall disease-management program.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Plant Pathology (PPA series)
Size: 1.10 mb
Pages: 34


Brown Patch in Home Lawns and Commercial Turfgrass

10/21/2019 (minor revision)
Authors: Gregg Munshaw, Paul Vincelli

Brown patch, also known as Rhizoctonia blight, is a common disease of turfgrass. All cultivated grasses grown in Kentucky can be affected; however, this disease is usually only destructive in tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Fine fescues (hard fescue, creeping red fescue, chewings fescue, and sheep fescue) are all moderately susceptible to the disease. Occasionally, Kentucky bluegrass lawns can be affected by brown patch, although this grass is less susceptible than others.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 3.00 mb
Pages: 4


Reducing the Risk of Resistance to Fungicides Used to Control Diseases of Turfgrasses

7/1/2019 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Fungicides can be an important tactic in an overall integrated program for turf disease control. In order to insure that products available today remain available in the future, golf course superintendents should be aware of the need to use fungicides in ways that minimize the risk of fungicide resistance.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 183 kb
Pages: 3


Kentucky Turfgrass Disease Calendar

5/1/2019 (major revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

A graphic representation showing the times of year that diseases of cool-season grasses are likely.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 161 kb
Pages: 2


2017 Nursery and Landscape Research Report

1/18/2019 (new)
Authors: Win Dunwell, Bill Fountain, Bob Geneve, Dewayne Ingram, Dan Potter, Raul Villanueva, Paul Vincelli, Nicole Ward Gauthier, Tim Woods

The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the efforts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments within the College of Agriculture tor the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and landscape industry.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 9.30 mb
Pages: 38


Possible Causes of Yellowing Alfalfa

2/16/2018 (new)
Authors: Chris Teutsch, Paul Vincelli, Kiersten Wise

During spring, several leaf spotting diseases--including Leptosphaerulina (Lepto) leaf spot and spring black stem/leaf spot--are common in alfalfa. Leaf spotting diseases result in distinct round to elongated spots that sometimes have a dark margin. Very wet weather in spring and early summer favor activity of leaf spotting diseases in first and second cuttings. Wet and humid weather during summer favor other leaf spotting and blighting diseases. All leaf spots and blights weaken plants, but alfalfa often outgrows the damage in later cuttings. Maintain a regular cutting schedule, cutting at 30- to 35-day intervals.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 754 kb
Pages: 4


Genetically Engineered Crops: Emerging Opportunities

6/28/2017 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

In certain biotech crops, their genetic material (DNA) has been purposefully manipulated in the laboratory. These genetically engineered crops are often called "GMOs," an acronym for "genetically modified organisms." These GMOs are the focus of this publication.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Plant Pathology (PPA series)
Size: 5.89 mb
Pages: 16


Sampling for the Tall Fescue Endophyte in Pasture or Hay Stands

4/10/2017 (minor revision)
Authors: Ray Smith, Tina Tillery, Paul Vincelli

Most of the tall fescue growing in Kentucky is colonized by the tall fescue endophyte, a fungus which causes disorders in livestock that feed on the infected grass. The animal disease syndrome is called fescue toxicosis, which some researchers estimate may cost Kentucky producers over $200 million yearly. This problem can be greatly reduced by identifying the infected fields and replacing them with endophyte-free or novel endophyte tall fescue varieties or by managing them in a way to minimize the impact of the endophyte on herd productivity. One of the simplest ways to reduce toxicity symptoms in cattle is add red and white clover to existing tall fescue stands.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology, Regulatory Services
Series: Plant Pathology (PPA series)
Size: 253 kb
Pages: 2


Genetically Engineered Crops: A Review of Concerns and Benefits

10/1/2016 (new)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Genetically engineered crops are plants that have had their genetic material (DNA) purposefully manipulated in the laboratory to produce a particular beneficial outcome. These types of crops are often called genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Commercial genetically engineered crops are designed to have limited and precise genetic changes that provide one or more benefits to humans or the environment.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Miscellaneous Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-MISC series)
Size: 1.26 mb
Pages: 5


Fundamental Principles of Plant Pathology for Agricultural Producers

3/9/2015 (major revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

All crop plants produced in Kentucky have the potential to become diseased under certain conditions. Diseases of crops can affect yield and/or quality of the harvested commodity, which can impact profitability and increase the risks of farming. A plant is diseased when it is affected by some agent that interferes with its normal development. Some disorders are caused by noninfectious factors, such as temperature extremes or nutrient deficiencies. However, this publication focuses on diseases caused by infectious microorganisms.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Plant Pathology (PPA series)
Size: 3.80 mb
Pages: 7


Managing Diseases of Alfalfa

12/1/2014 (new)
Authors: Ray Smith, Paul Vincelli

Alfalfa can be a vigorous and productive forage crop for Kentucky farmers. Like all farm crops, however, alfalfa is subject to infectious diseases that can limit forage production. Managing these diseases is an important part of economical alfalfa production.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 756 kb
Pages: 4


Disease Management in the Home Lawn

11/1/2014 (new)
Authors: Gregg Munshaw, Paul Vincelli

This publication describes lawn management practices that can help control diseases of turfgrasses commonly used in home lawns--Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass. You can control diseases of turfgrasses most effectively by using as many of the following lawn management practices as feasible.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 1.02 mb
Pages: 4


Kentucky Plant Disease Management Guide for Forage Legumes

10/1/2014 (new)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Disease management in forage legumes relies heavily on using disease-resistant varieties and employing sound agronomic practices. It is important to integrate both of these strategies into a comprehensive disease management program. Failure to consider one or the other will compromise the success of your efforts. The appropriate use of pesticides sometimes plays a significant role in managing certain diseases, but it is secondary to sound cultural practices and proper variety selection.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 907 kb
Pages: 7


Considering the Environment in the Maintenance of Your Kentucky Lawn: A Season by Season Approach

7/30/2014 (new)
Authors: Gregg Munshaw, Paul Vincelli

Most people do not realize the environmental benefits of lawns. Lawns are known to cool the air, reduce soil erosion, remove dust and pollutants (including CO2) from the air, reduce run-off of water and pollutants, create oxygen for humans, and improve soils over time by supplying organic matter. Lawns are also important aesthetically and have been shown to improve human well-being. However, to be 100 percent environmentally friendly, we could never fertilize or water our lawns and only mow with a self-propelled reel mower. Or, we could get rid of our lawn altogether. Neither of these options is particularly appealing for most people. We can, however, have a high quality lawn and reduce our impact on the environment by doing some very simple things at the right times of the year. The following guide will walk you through a series of steps that are important for keeping your lawn looking thick and healthy and at the same time reducing pests and the need for chemicals and other inputs.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 9.00 mb
Pages: 8


Some Principles of Fungicide Resistance

1/1/2014 (new)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Fungicides are important tools in modern crop production. Unfortunately, one of the risks of using these products is that fungi sometimes develop resistance to them. Resistance development is a concern because the products may become less effective--or even useless--for controlling resistant pathogens and pests. This is a concern for all pesticides, including fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides. This fact sheet is intended to help pesticide applicators better understand this process.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Miscellaneous Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-MISC series)
Size: 1.33 mb
Pages: 10


Rating Scale for Brown Stripe of Orchardgrass

7/1/2013 (new)
Authors: Leah Saylor, Ray Smith, Paul Vincelli

As of right now, there is little published on how to assess foliar disease severity in forage grasses in order to determine the percentage which may be diseased. This publication provides a tool for visually determining the percentage of diseased foliar tissue in orchardgrass. It is based on the observation of individual leaves; however, it is hoped that eventually a rating system will be devised that provides disease percentages for entire plots.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 566 kb
Pages: 3


Assessing Foliar Diseases of Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat: Principles and Practices

11/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman, Paul Vincelli

This publication provides basic information on how to conduct disease assessments in on-farm trials. The focus is on foliar diseases, since root diseases are much more difficult to assess properly. The publication begins with fundamentals of proper design of field trials.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Miscellaneous Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-MISC series)
Size: 719 kb
Pages: 5


Foliar Fungicide Use in Corn and Soybeans

10/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Don Hershman, Cheryl Kaiser, Paul Vincelli

Interest in the use of foliar fungicides for corn and soybean has expanded dramatically in the U.S. over the past few years, resulting in a major change in how these crops are being produced on many farms. Until recently, foliar fungicides for soybeans and corn were reserved for seed production fields to protect seed quality in very specific circumstances or for specialty crops. Applications for the purpose of protecting crop yield were rarely economical. However, the current trend in Kentucky, as well as many other corn/soybean producing states, is towards an increased use of foliar fungicides on these crops as a means of maximizing yields.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: General Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-GEN series)
Size: 1.09 mb
Pages: 9


Climate Change: A Brief Summary for Kentucky Extension Agents

9/20/2011 (new)
Authors: Tom Barnes, Ric Bessin, Jeffrey Bewley, Roy Burris, Tim Coolong, Lee Meyer, Joe Taraba, Paul Vincelli, George Wagner

Nearly all climate science experts agree that global warming is occurring and that it is caused primarily by human activity. Regardless of what you may read on blogs or in the media, there is no meaningful scientific controversy on these points. The future impacts of global warming are difficult to predict, but the changes caused by greenhouse gases are expected to increasingly affect Kentucky agriculture.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Animal and Food Sciences, Entomology, Forestry and Natural Resources, Horticulture, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 250 kb
Pages: 4


2010 Nursery and Landscape Research Report

1/28/2011 (new)
Authors: Bernadette Amsden, Paul Bachi, Julie Beale, Steve Berberich, Ed Dixon, Win Dunwell, Bill Fountain, Amy Fulcher, Carey Grable, John Hartman, Dewayne Ingram, June Johnston, Katie Kittrell, Janet Lensing, Sara Long, John Obrycki, Dan Potter, Rebecca Schnelle, Ginny Travis, Paul Vincelli, Dwight Wolfe

The UK Nursery and Landscape Program coordinates the efforts of faculty, staff, and students in several departments within the College of Agriculture tor the benefit of the Kentucky nursery and landscape industry.

Departments: Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 629 kb
Pages: 29


Real-time PCR Detection of Xylella fastidiosa is Independent of Sample Storage Time and Temperature

11/1/2010 (new)
Authors: Bernadette Amsden, John Hartman, Paul Vincelli

The xylem-limited bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, first associated with Pierce's disease of grapevines and alfalfa dwarf disease in 1973 (4) continues to be an economically important pathogen of several commercial crops. It also causes bacterial leaf scorch in urban shade trees such as sycamore, oaks, maples, mulberry, and elm (5). The usual course of action, in an effort to control the spread of this pathogen by insect vectors (9), is to prune out infected branches and vines or to rogue infected plants. Therefore, timely testing of suspect hosts is important.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Miscellaneous Plant Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-MISC series)
Size: 236 kb
Pages: 7


Weather Favorable for Cottony Blight in Turfgrasses

8/1/2009 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Hot, humid weather with occasional showers is favorable for cottony blight, caused by various Pythium species. This disease, also known as Pythium blight, can be very destructive in swards of creeping bentgrass and perennial ryegrass in a high-maintenance setting, such as golf courses, croquet courts, etc. Cottony blight can occasionally be found on other cool-season turfgrasses, though very infrequently.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Turf Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-OR-T series)
Size: 267 kb
Pages: 2


Crown Rots of Alfalfa

5/1/2009 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Crown rots are chronic disease problems of alfalfa throughout the world. Crown rots cause loss of stand and forage yield in several ways. If the crowns are rotted severely enough, infected plants will die simply by being choked off. Carbohydrates for winter survival are stored in the crown and upper taproot. By rotting this area, crown rots also make alfalfa plants more sensitive to winter kill. Some crown rot fungi produce toxins, thus weakening or even killing the plant.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 239 kb
Pages: 2


Common Alfalfa Seedling Diseases and Disorders

3/1/2009 (minor revision)
Authors: Ray Smith, Paul Vincelli

Alfalfa seedlings are subject to a number of biotic and abiotic problems which can affect establishment. Several of the more common seedling diseases and disorders are described below. This information is being provided as a diagnostic aid; publications which provide specific management and production information can be found in the resource list.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 115 kb
Pages: 2


"Emergency" Inoculation for Poorly Inoculated Legumes

2/1/2009 (minor revision)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Ray Smith, Paul Vincelli

Frequently, stunted and yellowed legumes are thought by growers to be diseased. Close examination often reveals that such "diseased" plants are actually just poorly nodulated.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 187 kb
Pages: 3


Risk Factors for Sclerotinia Crown and Stem Rot in Fall-Seeded Alfalfa

12/1/2008 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Alfalfa seeded during late summer or fall is susceptible to the destructive disease Sclerotinia crown and stem rot. Fall-seeded stands are particularly vulnerable to this disease because the young seedlings have not had sufficient time to develop adequate resistance before infectious spores of the pathogen are produced in late October. In contrast, spring-seeded stands are able to develop larger, more resistant crowns prior to this infectious period. Thus, spring plantings are better able to withstand an attack, should these air-borne spores be present in the field.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 280 kb
Pages: 3


2008 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report

12/1/2008 (new)
Authors: Doug Archbold, Tim Coolong, Tom Cottrell, Rick Durham, Vaden Fenton, John Hartman, Nathan Howard, Nathan Howell, Wuyang Hu, Dewayne Ingram, Terry Jones, Kaan Kurtural, Joe Masabni, Kenny Seebold, Bonnie Sigmon, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Paul Vincelli, Richard Warner, John Wilhoit, Mark Williams, Tim Woods

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Horticulture, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 800 kb
Pages: 72


Summertime Foliar Diseases of Alfalfa

11/1/2008 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Warm, humid weather can favor development of foliar diseases of alfalfa during summer.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 194 kb
Pages: 2


Alfalfa Diseases Caused by Rhizoctonia Fungi

11/1/2008 (minor revision)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Rhizoctonia fungi, particularly Rhizoctonia solani, are found in most agricultural soils in Kentucky. These fungi are natural soil inhabitants that colonize and live on dead organic matter. Under the right environmental conditions, the Rhizoctonia organisms are often able to attack living plants, including alfalfa. When warm, wet conditions prevail, Rhizoctonia fungi can cause just about every conceivable type of alfalfa disease.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Size: 294 kb
Pages: 3


Replanting Options for Corn

7/27/2007 (new)
Authors: J.D. Green, Jim Herbek, Chad Lee, Jim Martin, Paul Vincelli

Evaluating damaged corn stands and determining when to replant is often a difficult task. Survival, health, and expected yield of the current stand must be weighed against replanting costs, additional management, and expected yield of a replanted crop. The options are rarely clear-cut because damaged corn is rarely uniform throughout the field. The following information will help when making evaluations and management decisions.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Size: 194 kb
Pages: 6


2005 Fruit and Vegetable Research Report

12/30/2005 (new)
Authors: Ric Bessin, Tom Cottrell, Rick Durham, John Hartman, Nathan Howard, Nathan Howell, Terry Jones, Kaan Kurtural, Joe Masabni, Brent Rowell, Christopher Schardl, Amanda Sears, Kenny Seebold, Bonnie Sigmon, Chris Smigell, John Snyder, Dave Spalding, John Strang, Paul Vincelli, Mark Williams, Tim Woods

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 1.56 mb
Pages: 98


Low-Maintenance Lawn Care, Stressing Pest Avoidance and Organic Inputs

3/15/2005 (reprinted)
Authors: Dan Potter, A.J. Powell, Paul Vincelli, David Williams

This publication is written for those who wish to maintain their lawn with minimal inputs. Low-maintenance lawn care offers certain benefits, such as minimal pesticide use, reduced fertilizer input, less need for irrigation, and reduced mowing frequency. However, when choosing a low-maintenance approach, recognize that the lawn will not offer the same dark green, uniform sward of turf that is seen under a high-maintenance lawn-care program.

Departments: Entomology, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 176 kb
Pages: 6


2004 Alfalfa Report

1/30/2005 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 521 kb
Pages: 8


2003 Alfalfa Report

12/24/2003 (new)
Authors: Mike Collins, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 107 kb
Pages: 8


2002 Alfalfa Report

1/5/2003 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 185 kb
Pages: 12


2001 Alfalfa Report

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 209 kb
Pages: 16


New Recommendations for Perennial Ryegrass Seedings for Kentucky Horse Farms

1/1/2002 (new)
Authors: Lowell Bush, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Christopher Schardl, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 41 kb
Pages: 2


2000 Alfalfa Report

1/15/2001 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 398 kb
Pages: 16


Agronomy Research Report 2000

7/10/2000 (new)
Authors: Richard Barnheisel, Morris Bitzer, Jimmie Calvert, Glenn Collins, Mike Collins, Mark Coyne, David Ditsch, Charles Dougherty, Larry Grabau, J.D. Green, Dan Grigson, John Grove, Dennis Hancock, Jimmy Henning, Jim Herbek, John James, John Johns, A.D. Karathanasis, Brenda Kennedy, Garry Lacefield, Eugene Lacefield, Len Lauriault, Bill Maksymowicz, Jim Martin, Bob Miller, Tom Mueller, Gregg Munshaw, Lloyd Murdock, Gary Palmer, Bob Pearce, Todd Pfeiffer, Chuck Poneleit, A.J. Powell, Monroe Rasnake, Edwin Ritchey, Scott Shearer, Frank Sikora, Robert Spitaleri, Norm Taylor, Charles Tutt, Dave Van Sanford, Paul Vincelli, Ken Wells, David Williams, Bill Witt

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, County Extension, Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology, Regulatory Services
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 550 kb
Pages: 55


Brown Patch Disease

5/30/2000 (reprinted)
Authors: A.J. Powell, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 10 kb


An Alfalfa Disease Calendar

5/1/2000 (new)
Authors: Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Plant Pathology (PPA series)
Size: 168 kb
Pages: 4


1999 Alfalfa Report

12/15/1999 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 244 kb
Pages: 14


1998 Alfalfa Report

1/15/1999 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 188 kb
Pages: 12


1997 Alfalfa Report

2/1/1998 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Size: 153 kb
Pages: 12