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Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet


Target Spot and Frogeye Leaf Spot of Field-grown Tobacco

3/31/2020 (new)
Authors: Emily Pfeufer

Target spot and frogeye leaf spot are the major fungal leaf spot diseases of tobacco grown in Kentucky. Burley and dark tobacco are susceptible to these leaf spot diseases; however, dark tobacco tends to be affected to a lesser extent than burley. Yield losses to target spot can exceed 50% in some years; frogeye reduces yields up to 30%, but can affect quality so severely that cured leaf may be declined. Integrated approaches, including good greenhouse production practices, crop rotation, and timely fungicide applications, will optimize management of these diseases.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 1.21 mb
Pages: 4


Black Shank of Tobacco

3/9/2020 (new)
Authors: Emily Pfeufer

Black shank is one of the most important diseases of burley and dark tobacco in Kentucky. It tends to cause the greatest losses in fields with a history of black shank, during seasons with a wet to moderate early season followed by a dry August. Management is dependent on the successful combination of crop rotation, resistant varieties, and soil-directed fungicide applications.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 2.00 mb
Pages: 3


Maintaining the Efficacy of Foliar Fungicides for Tobacco Disease Management

7/1/2019 (minor revision)
Authors: Bob Pearce, Emily Pfeufer

Management of resistance to fungicides is based on alternating the use of particular modes of action, or FRAC groups, which essentially presents multiple different challenges to the fungal population. Overall, fungi that are naturally resistant to a mode of action are very rare in the environment. Challenging a population with multiple different modes of action will reduce the chance of developing widespread resistance, which will prolong the efficacy of these chemicals.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 473 kb
Pages: 4


Collar Rot in the Tobacco Float System

3/1/2018 (major revision)
Authors: Emily Pfeufer

Collar rot can be found in tobacco float beds each year in Kentucky, causing a great deal of concern when it makes its appearance. Severe losses to this disease tend to be rare but can occur if care is not taken to minimize risk of disease development and reduce spread after it appears.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 666 kb
Pages: 3


Managing Rhizoctonia Damping-off and Target Spot in the Float System

3/1/2018 (major revision)
Authors: Emily Pfeufer

Damping-off and target spot occur each year in tobacco transplant crops in Kentucky. These diseases can cause significant levels of damage to tobacco seedlings. Once considered minor problems in float beds, both have increased steadily in importance in recent years. Sound management practices and early recognition of these diseases are keys to preventing serious losses during the transplant production cycle.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 727 kb
Pages: 4


Blackleg of Tobacco

6/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Kenny Seebold

Blackleg becomes a concern whenever Kentucky experiences extended periods of warm, wet, overcast weather in the spring. This disease, also referred to as bacterial soft rot, is one of the most serious problems likely to be encountered on tobacco seedlings. Blackleg has the potential for destroying large numbers of plants in a relatively short period of time. As with other diseases in the float system, proper management goes a long way in preventing problems with blackleg.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 428 kb
Pages: 2


Pythium Root Rot in Tobacco Float Systems

5/1/2011 (new)
Authors: Kenny Seebold

Pythium root rot is the most common disease found in tobacco float beds in Kentucky; it can cause severe losses or delays in transplanting. Damage caused by this disease can be minimized through a combination of sound management practices and timely application of fungicide.

Departments: Plant Pathology
Series: Tobacco Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-T series)
Size: 883 kb
Pages: 3