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Prechilling Switchgrass Seed on Farm to Break Dormancy

4/23/2012 (new)
Authors: Holly Boyd, Cindy Finneseth, Tom Keene, Laura Schwer, Ray Smith

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm-season, perennial bunch-type grass native to the North American Tallgrass Prairie. It has been investigated as a renewable energy crop due to its high productivity across a wide geographic range including various environmental conditions and soil types. Switchgrass has also been used for erosion control, summer grazing in pasture and hay systems for cattle, native prairie restoration, wildlife habitat, fiber production, and as an ornamental grass.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Regulatory Services
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Size: 424 kb
Pages: 4



4/6/2021 (minor revision)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Tom Keene, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Crabgrass possesses significant potential for supplying high quality summer forage although it is considered a weed by many. A primary advantage of crabgrass is that it is well adapted to Kentucky and occurs naturally in most summer pastures, especially those that have been overgrazed. It is also highly palatable and a prolific re-seeder. Planting an improved variety of crabgrass is recommended because the production of naturally-occurring ecotypes varies greatly. Crabgrass is best utilized by grazing.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 428 kb
Pages: 2


Bermudagrass: A Summer Forage in Kentucky

4/6/2021 (minor revision)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Bermudagrass can be used successfully as part of a livestock forage program to supplement summer production of cool-season grasses. It is high-yielding, sod-forming, warm-season perennial grass that is most productive on well-drained, fertile soils. Bermudagrass is widely grown in the southern United States for pasture and hay.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, nutrition and health, production practices
Size: 2.05 mb
Pages: 6


Improving Kentucky Small Ruminant Pastures

4/2/2021 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Krista Lea, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

For many small ruminants, quality pasture can provide almost all nutrients needed for maintenance or light work for much of the year. Pasture reduces the cost of keeping livestock while minimizing impacts on the environment. Below are some guidelines for improving pastures.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 1.14 mb
Pages: 2


2020 Annual Grass Report: Warm Season and Cool Season (Cereals)

12/4/2020 (new)
Authors: Bill Bruening, Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2013-2019 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, teff, and cereal crops. Cool season annual grasses (specifically cereal crops) are also used as forages crops for hay, baleage or grazing. The cereal crops used in this report are wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa) and triticale (Triticum secale).

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 3.10 mb
Pages: 30


2020 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

12/1/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle. Much of the tall fescue in Kentuckys infected with an internal fungus (endophyte) that produces ergot alkaloids and results in decreased weight gains in growing ruminants and lower pregnancy rates in breeding stock, especially in hot weather. Varieties are now available that are free of this fungal endophyte or infected with a nontoxic endophyte. Varieties in the latter group are also referred to as "novel" or "friendly" endophyte varieties, because their endophyte improves stand survival without creating animal production problems.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.37 mb
Pages: 14


2020 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/1/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the bromegrasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.00 mb
Pages: 12


2020 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/1/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 704 kb
Pages: 128


2020 Orchardgrass Report

11/24/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is well-adapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunch-type sod, making it compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife. This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 699 kb
Pages: 8


2020 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

11/20/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage--after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It also can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a high-quality, highly palatable, long-lived pasture plant with limited use for hay. It tolerates close, frequent grazing better than most grasses. It has low yields and low summer production and becomes dormant and brown during hot, dry summers. Kentucky bluegrass is slow to establish.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, science and technology, variety trials
Size: 550 kb
Pages: 6


2020 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

11/20/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive, cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock. Perennial ryegrass can be used as a short-lived hay or pasture plant and has growth characteristics similar to tall fescue. Festuloliums are hybrids between various fescues and ryegrasses with higher quality than tall fescue and improved stand survival over perennial ryegrass.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.40 mb
Pages: 14


2019 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

3/2/2020 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage--after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It also can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a high-quality, highly palatable, long-lived pasture plant with limited use for hay. It tolerates close, frequent grazing better than most grasses. It has low yields and low summer production and becomes dormant and brown during hot, dry summers. Kentucky bluegrass is slow to establish.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, science and technology, variety trials
Size: 521 kb
Pages: 6


2019 Annual Grass Report: Warm Season and Cool Season (Cereals)

12/12/2019 (new)
Authors: Bill Bruening, Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2013-2019 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, teff, and cereal crops. Cool season annual grasses (specifically cereal crops) are also used as forages crops for hay, baleage or grazing. The cereal crops used in this report are wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale), oats (Avena sativa) and triticale (Triticum secale).

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 3.14 mb
Pages: 28


2019 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/5/2019 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the bromegrasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.12 mb
Pages: 12


2019 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/5/2019 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 702 kb
Pages: 8


2019 Orchardgrass Report

11/27/2019 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is well-adapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunch-type sod, making it compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife. This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 767 kb
Pages: 8


2019 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

11/27/2019 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive, cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock. Perennial ryegrass can be used as a short-lived hay or pasture plant and has growth characteristics similar to tall fescue. Festuloliums are hybrids between various fescues and ryegrasses with higher quality than tall fescue and improved stand survival over perennial ryegrass.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.50 mb
Pages: 16


2019 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

11/26/2019 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle. Much of the tall fescue in Kentuckys infected with an internal fungus (endophyte) that produces ergot alkaloids and results in decreased weight gains in growing ruminants and lower pregnancy rates in breeding stock, especially in hot weather. Varieties are now available that are free of this fungal endophyte or infected with a nontoxic endophyte. Varieties in the latter group are also referred to as "novel" or "friendly" endophyte varieties, because their endophyte improves stand survival without creating animal production problems

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.30 mb
Pages: 12


2018 Annual Grass Report: Warm Season and Cool Season (Cereals)

12/5/2018 (new)
Authors: Bill Bruening, Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

The major factor in selecting a variety of summer annual grass is yield, both total and seasonal. Growth after first cutting is strongly dependent on available moisture and nitrogen fertilization. Summer annual grasses generally have different characteristics and uses. The major factors in selecting cool season cereal grass varieties are yield, winter survival and regrowth.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 2.40 mb
Pages: 24


2018 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

11/30/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 859 kb
Pages: 8


2018 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

11/27/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

This report provides current yield data on annual and perennial ryegrass varieties in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting varieties. Tables 15, 16, and 17 show summaries of all annual and perennial ryegrass and festulolium varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 17 years.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.50 mb
Pages: 16


2018 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

11/27/2018 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Jimmy Henning, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the brome grasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.45 mb
Pages: 14


Warm Season Annual Grasses in Kentucky

3/5/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Tom Keene, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

In Kentucky, cool-season grasses produce ample forage in the spring and fall, but high temperatures and short-term drought stress often limits growth during the summer months. Warm-season annual grasses can fill this gap with relatively high quality forage when properly managed. The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of the various summer annuals for Kentucky.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 1.32 mb
Pages: 3


Forage Sorghum

2/19/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Tom Keene, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Forage sorghum is the tallest of the summer annuals, reaching 6 to 15 feet in height and is best harvested as silage. Taller varieties produce high forage yield but can lodge, making them difficult to harvest mechanically. Some varieties have been developed that are shorter with increased resistance to lodging. Forage sorghums, like corn, are harvested once per season by direct chopping. While forage sorghum yields are similar to corn, they are lower in energy. The primary advantage of utilizing sorghum for silage production is its greater drought tolerance.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 567 kb
Pages: 2


Pearl Millet

2/19/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Tom Keene, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

The primary benefits of pearl millet are that it does not contain prussic acid and is not susceptible to the sugarcane aphid. Dwarf varieties are available, which are leafier and better suited for grazing.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 1.18 mb
Pages: 2


Foxtail Millet

2/19/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Tom Keene, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Foxtail millet (German millet) is a fine-stemmed summer annual used mainly for emergency hay or pasture for cattle. It is the lowest yielding of the summer annual grasses since it will not regrow after cutting. It can also be used as a smoother crop when transitioning to other perennial forage crops. Foxtail millet is also commonly used for wildlife plantings to produce food and cover for doves, quail, and other birds.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 960 kb
Pages: 2


Sudangrass and Sorghum-sudangrass Hybrids

2/19/2018 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Tom Keene, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Sorghum-sudangrass hybrids are developed by crossing sorghum with true sudangrass. The result is an annual grass that resembles sudangrass, but has coarser stems, taller growth habit, and higher yields. Like sudangrass, hybrids will regrow after grazing if growth is not limited by environmental factors. The coarse stems are difficult to cure as dry hay, therefore these grasses are best utilized for grazing, chopped silage and baleage.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 785 kb
Pages: 2


2017 Annual Grass Report: Warm Season and Cool Season (Cereals)

12/20/2017 (new)
Authors: Bill Bruening, Gene Olson, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

The major factor in selecting a variety of summer annual grass is yield, both total and seasonal. Growth after first cutting is strongly dependent on available moisture and nitrogen fertilization. Summer annual grasses generally have different characteristics and uses. The major factors in selecting cool season cereal grass varieties are yield, winter survival and regrowth.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 2.13 mb
Pages: 20


2017 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/18/2017 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the brome grasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.30 mb
Pages: 12


2017 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/13/2017 (new)
Authors: Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 725 kb
Pages: 8


2017 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

12/6/2017 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

This report provides current yield data on annual and perennial ryegrass varieties in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting varieties. Tables 14, 15, and 16 show summaries of all annual and perennial ryegrass and festulolium varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 17 years. The UK Forage Extension website at contains electronic versions of all forage variety test-ing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states and a large number of other forage publications.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.35 mb
Pages: 16


2017 Orchardgrass Report

12/1/2017 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties. Table 11 shows a summary of all orchardgrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 15 years. The UK Forage Extension website, at, contains electronic versions of all forage variety testing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states and from a large number of other forage publications.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 833 kb
Pages: 8


2017 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

12/1/2017 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties. Tables 15 and 16 show a summary of all tall fescue and bromegrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the past 17 years. The UK Forage Extension Web site at contains electronic versions of all forage variety testing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states and a large number of other forage publications.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.40 mb
Pages: 12


2017 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/1/2017 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch

This report provides maturity and yield data on timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky. Tables 10 and 11 show summaries of all timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 15 years. The UK Forage Extension website, at, contains forage variety testing reports from Kentucky and surrounding states and a large number of other forage publications.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 542 kb
Pages: 6


Sampling for the Tall Fescue Endophyte in Pasture or Hay Stands

4/10/2017 (minor revision)
Authors: Ray Smith, Tina Tillery, Paul Vincelli

Most of the tall fescue growing in Kentucky is colonized by the tall fescue endophyte, a fungus which causes disorders in livestock that feed on the infected grass. The animal disease syndrome is called fescue toxicosis, which some researchers estimate may cost Kentucky producers over $200 million yearly. This problem can be greatly reduced by identifying the infected fields and replacing them with endophyte-free or novel endophyte tall fescue varieties or by managing them in a way to minimize the impact of the endophyte on herd productivity. One of the simplest ways to reduce toxicity symptoms in cattle is add red and white clover to existing tall fescue stands.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology, Regulatory Services
Series: Plant Pathology (PPA series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, pests, plant diseases
Size: 253 kb
Pages: 2


2016 Annual Grass Report: Warm Season and Cool Season (Cereals)

12/6/2016 (new)
Authors: Bill Bruening, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

The major factor in selecting a variety of summer annual grass is yield, both total and seasonal. Growth after first cutting is strongly dependent on available moisture and nitrogen fertilization. Summer annual grasses generally have different characteristics and uses. The major factors in selecting cool season cereal grass varieties are yield, winter survival and regrowth.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.62 mb
Pages: 16


2016 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/5/2016 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage--after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It also can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat. Management is similar to that for other cool-season grasses. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a high-quality, highly palatable, long-lived pasture plant with limited use for hay. It tolerates close, frequent grazing better than most grasses. It has low yields and low summer production and becomes dormant and brown during hot, dry summers. Kentucky bluegrass is slow to establish. This report provides maturity and yield data on timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 594 kb
Pages: 6


2016 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

12/5/2016 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive, cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock. In Kentucky, winter survival can be an issue for many annual ryegrass varieties, so before planting, review winter survival results in this publication. The severe winter of 2013-2014 showed those varieties that are not adapted to Kentucky. Festuloliums are hybrids between various fescues and ryegrasses with higher quality than tall fescue and improved stand survival over perennial ryegrass. Their use in Kentucky is still limited since they do not survive as long as tall fescue but some of the newer varieties are more adapted to Kentucky environmental conditions. This report provides current yield data on annual and perennial ryegrass varieties in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting varieties, as well as summaries of all annual and perennial ryegrass and festulolium varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 15 years.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.81 mb
Pages: 16


2016 Orchardgrass Report

11/30/2016 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is welladapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunch-type sod, making it compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife. This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 754 kb
Pages: 8


2016 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

11/30/2016 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Tall fescue is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle. All bromegrasses have several advantages over tall fescue, including retaining quality as they mature and better growth during dry weather, but they are generally less well adapted in Kentucky. This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties, including summaries of all tall fescue and bromegrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the past 15 years.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.13 mb
Pages: 10


2016 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

11/18/2016 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the brome grasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.24 mb
Pages: 12


2016 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

11/18/2016 (new)
Authors: Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 842 kb
Pages: 8


2015 Annual Grass Report: Warm Season and Cool Season (Cereals)

12/15/2015 (new)
Authors: Bill Bruening, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

The major factor in selecting a variety of summer annual grass is yield, both total and seasonal. Growth after first cutting is strongly dependent on available moisture and nitrogen fertilization. Summer annual grasses generally have different characteristics and uses. The major factors in selecting cool season cereal grass varieties are yield, winter survival and regrowth.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.50 mb
Pages: 16


2015 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/14/2015 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and the brome grasses can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.20 mb
Pages: 12


2015 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/10/2015 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage--after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It also can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat. Management is similar to that for other cool-season grasses. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a high-quality, highly palatable, long-lived pasture plant with limited use for hay. It tolerates close, frequent grazing better than most grasses. It has low yields and low summer production and becomes dormant and brown during hot, dry summers. Kentucky bluegrass is slow to establish. This report provides maturity and yield data on timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 700 kb
Pages: 8


2015 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/10/2015 (new)
Authors: Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 875 kb
Pages: 8


2015 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

12/8/2015 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Tall fescue is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle. All bromegrasses have several advantages over tall fescue, including retaining quality as they mature and better growth during dry weather, but they are generally less well adapted in Kentucky. This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties, including summaries of all tall fescue and bromegrass varieties tested in Kentucky for the past 15 years.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.24 mb
Pages: 10


2015 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

12/8/2015 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive, cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock. In Kentucky, winter survival can be an issue for many annual ryegrass varieties, so before planting, review winter survival results in this publication. The severe winter of 2013-2014 showed those varieties that are not adapted to Kentucky. Festuloliums are hybrids between various fescues and ryegrasses with higher quality than tall fescue and improved stand survival over perennial ryegrass. Their use in Kentucky is still limited since they do not survive as long as tall fescue but some of the newer varieties are more adapted to Kentucky environmental conditions. This report provides current yield data on annual and perennial ryegrass varieties in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting varieties, as well as summaries of all annual and perennial ryegrass and festulolium varieties tested in Kentucky for the last 15 years.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.88 mb
Pages: 16


2015 Orchardgrass Report

11/23/2015 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is welladapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunch-type sod, making it compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife. This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 850 kb
Pages: 8


2014 Summer Annual Grass Report

12/10/2014 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2011-2014 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.15 mb
Pages: 12


2014 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/4/2014 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.20 mb
Pages: 12


2014 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/4/2014 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 810 kb
Pages: 8


2014 Orchardgrass Report

11/24/2014 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 855 kb
Pages: 8


2014 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

11/24/2014 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.11 mb
Pages: 10


2014 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

11/24/2014 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides maturity and yield data on timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 676 kb
Pages: 6


2014 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

11/24/2014 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on annual and perennial ryegrass varieties in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.90 mb
Pages: 13


Cool-season Forage Grasses: Tall Fescue, Orchardgrass, Bluegrass, and Timothy

5/5/2014 (minor revision)
Authors: Matthew Ernst, Cheryl Kaiser

Tall fescue, orchardgrass, bluegrass, and timothy are the dominant forage grasses in Kentucky. They have potential for the cash hay market and for intensive grazing. Significant price premiums may be possible for high-quality hay. Timothy hay, either alone or in mixtures with alfalfa, is much desired by horse owners. Historically, timothy has been an important seed crop in Kentucky; however, at present only a small acreage of timothy is grown for seed.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Plant Pathology
Series: Crop Profiles: Center for Crop Diversification (CCD-CP series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, nutrition and health, production practices
Size: 410 kb
Pages: 3


2013 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/4/2013 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.15 mb
Pages: 10


2013 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/4/2013 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 940 kb
Pages: 8


2013 Summer Annual Grass Report

11/25/2013 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2009-2013 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.25 mb
Pages: 12


2013 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

11/19/2013 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides maturity and yield data on timothy and Kentucky bluegrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 700 kb
Pages: 6


2013 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

11/19/2013 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on annual and perennial ryegrass varieties in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.75 mb
Pages: 16


2013 Orchardgrass Report

11/18/2013 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on orchardgrass varieties included in yield trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting orchardgrass varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.00 mb
Pages: 8


2013 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

11/18/2013 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.60 mb
Pages: 12


Rating Scale for Brown Stripe of Orchardgrass

7/1/2013 (new)
Authors: Leah Saylor, Ray Smith, Paul Vincelli

As of right now, there is little published on how to assess foliar disease severity in forage grasses in order to determine the percentage which may be diseased. This publication provides a tool for visually determining the percentage of diseased foliar tissue in orchardgrass. It is based on the observation of individual leaves; however, it is hoped that eventually a rating system will be devised that provides disease percentages for entire plots.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Forage Disease: Plant Pathology Factsheet (PPFS-AG-F series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, pests, plant diseases
Size: 566 kb
Pages: 3


2012 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/14/2012 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 475 kb
Pages: 12


2012 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/14/2012 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses. The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 900 kb
Pages: 8


2012 Summer Annual Grass Report

12/5/2012 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2007-2012 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.25 mb
Pages: 12


2012 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/3/2012 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage---after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It also can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 460 kb
Pages: 6


2012 Tall Fescue and Bromegrass Report

11/28/2012 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.40 mb
Pages: 10


2012 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

11/28/2012 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 1.60 mb
Pages: 14


2012 Orchardgrass Report

11/26/2012 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is well-adapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunch-type sod, making it compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 890 kb
Pages: 8


2011 Tall Fescue and Brome Report

12/23/2011 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass that is grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 355 kb
Pages: 12


2011 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/23/2011 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 316 kb
Pages: 8


2011 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

12/23/2011 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 370 kb
Pages: 12


2011 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/23/2011 (new)
Authors: Joey Clark, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 387 kb
Pages: 10


2011 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/23/2011 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 410 kb
Pages: 6


2011 Summer Annual Grass Report

12/23/2011 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2007-2011 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 376 kb
Pages: 9


2011 Orchardgrass Report

12/19/2011 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is well adapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunchtype sod, making it very compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 310 kb
Pages: 8


Profitability of Nitrogen Applications for Stockpiling Tall Fescue Pastures: 2011 Guide

10/5/2011 (new)
Authors: Kenny Burdine, Greg Halich, John Johns, Lloyd Murdock, Ray Smith

The concept of stockpiling is pretty straightforward, but the challenge each year is to determine the likelihood that this practice will be profitable given the economic and agronomic conditions present at mid-summer. This practice can yield significant benefits, but it also carries significant costs. These benefits and costs must be quantified and compared to assess the overall profitability of the practice.

Departments: Agricultural Economics, Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 290 kb
Pages: 4


Switchgrass for Biomass Production in Kentucky

3/14/2011 (new)
Authors: Laura Schwer, Kenton Sena, Ray Smith

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm-season, perennial bunch-type grass native to the North American Tallgrass Prairie that has been investigated as a bioenergy crop due to its adaptation to a wide range of environmental conditions and soil types as well as its high stable yields. Switchgrass is recommended for soil conservation and wildlife habitat in both monoculture and in mixed stands of native warm-season grasses and forbs as well as for summer grazing in pasture systems and as a hay crop for cattle.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 250 kb
Pages: 8


2010 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

1/3/2011 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant

Cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and orchardgrass are the primary pasture grasses in Kentucky. Other species such as perennial ryegrass, festulolium, and prairie brome can be used in pasture systems. Little is known about the effect of variety on the grazing tolerance of these cool-season grass species.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 320 kb
Pages: 12


2010 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

1/3/2011 (new)
Authors: Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, tall fescue, and orchardgrass are dominant pasture grasses for horses in Kentucky. Variety evaluations for yield have been carried out for many years, but little work has been done to establish the effect of variety on persistence when subjected to close, continuous grazing by horses.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 365 kb
Pages: 6


2010 Summer Annual Grass Report

1/3/2011 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2007-2010 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 300 kb
Pages: 8


2010 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/15/2010 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 290 kb
Pages: 8


2010 Orchardgrass Report

12/6/2010 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is well adapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life. It produces an open, bunchtype sod, making it very compatible with alfalfa or red clover as a pasture and hay crop or as habitat for wildlife.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 260 kb
Pages: 8


2010 Tall Fescue and Brome Report

12/6/2010 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a productive, well-adapted, persistent, soil-conserving, cool-season grass that is grown on approximately 5.5 million acres in Kentucky. This grass, used for both hay and pasture, is the forage base of most of Kentucky's livestock enterprises, particularly beef cattle.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 300 kb
Pages: 12


2010 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

12/6/2010 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Annual ryegrasses are increasing in use across Kentucky as more winter-hardy varieties are released and promoted. Annual ryegrass is productive for three to four months and is used primarily for late fall and early-to-late spring pasture.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 300 kb
Pages: 12


2009 Cool Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/21/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant

The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass, and other species when they are subjected to continuous, heavy grazing pressure by cattle within the grazing season. The main focus will be on plant stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 294 kb
Pages: 12


2009 Cool Season Grass Grazing Report: Tolerance to Horses

12/21/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

The purpose of this report is to summarize current research on the grazing tolerance of varieties of tall fescue, orchardgrass, and other species when subjected to continuous heavy grazing pressure by horses within the grazing season. The main focus will be on stand survival.

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 313 kb
Pages: 6


2009 Tall Fescue and Brome Report

12/15/2009 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

This report provides current yield data on tall fescue varieties and similar grass species in trials in Kentucky, as well as guidelines for selecting tall fescue varieties.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 283 kb
Pages: 10


2009 Native Warm Season Perennial Grasses Report

12/15/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Kentucky's pasture and hay acres are largely seeded in cool-season species. This practice results in a natural decline in midsummer production and often limits livestock production. High-yielding, native warm-season perennial grasses are viable options for Kentucky livestock enterprises and the emerging biomass market and provide an additional benefit of wildlife habitat.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 227 kb
Pages: 4


2009 Summer Annual Grass Report

12/15/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2007-2009 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 230 kb
Pages: 6


2009 Orchardgrass Report

12/10/2009 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Orchardgrass (Dactylus glomerata) is a high-quality, productive, cool-season grass that is well adapted to Kentucky conditions. This grass is used for pasture, hay, green chop, and silage, but it requires better management than tall fescue for greater yields, higher quality, and longer stand life.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 244 kb
Pages: 8


2009 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass and Festulolium Report

12/10/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) are high-quality, productive cool-season grasses used in Kentucky. Both have exceptionally high seedling vigor and are highly palatable to livestock.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 269 kb
Pages: 8


2009 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

11/24/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is the fourth most widely sown cool-season perennial grass used in Kentucky for forage after tall fescue, orchardgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass. It is a late-maturing bunchgrass that is primarily harvested as hay, particularly for horses. It can be used for grazing or wildlife habitat.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 230 kb
Pages: 8


2008 Summer Annual Grass Report

4/22/2009 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Summer annual grasses provide an important forage crop option for producers in Kentucky. These grasses are mainly used as emergency or supplemental hay and pasture crops, but little information is available on their yield potential. The purpose of this publication is to summarize the University of Kentucky 2008 forage yield trials with sudangrass, sorghum/sudangrass, millets, and teff.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 129 kb
Pages: 4


Warm Season Perennial Grasses for Forages in Kentucky

3/10/2009 (minor revision)
Authors: Tom Keene, Garry Lacefield, Ray Smith

Native warm-season perennial grasses are well adapted for production in Kentucky's climate and soils. In this publication, native warm-season perennial grasses that have the greatest forage potential for Kentucky are described. Management techniques necessary to establish stands and keep them productive are also discussed.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, nutrition and health, production practices
Size: 1.64 mb
Pages: 4


2008 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 200 kb
Pages: 6


2008 Orchardgrass Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 216 kb
Pages: 6


2008 Tall Fescue and Brome Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 235 kb
Pages: 8


2008 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 226 kb
Pages: 8


2008 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 246 kb
Pages: 12


2008 Cool Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 320 kb
Pages: 6


2008 Native Warm-Season Perennial Grasses Report

12/3/2008 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 197 kb
Pages: 4


2007 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/15/2007 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 143 kb
Pages: 4


2007 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

12/15/2007 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 165 kb
Pages: 8


2007 Orchardgrass Report

12/12/2007 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 162 kb
Pages: 4


2007 Tall Fescue Report

12/12/2007 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 177 kb
Pages: 8


2007 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

11/15/2007 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 211 kb
Pages: 12


2007 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

11/15/2007 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 213 kb
Pages: 8


2007 Native Warm-Season Perrenial Grasses Report

11/15/2007 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 138 kb
Pages: 4


2006 Cool Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

1/26/2007 (reprinted)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 242 kb
Pages: 12


2006 Orchardgrass Report

12/15/2006 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 182 kb
Pages: 8


2006 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/15/2006 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 147 kb
Pages: 6


2006 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

12/15/2006 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 158 kb
Pages: 6


2006 Cool Season Grass Grazing Report, Tolerance to Horses

12/15/2006 (new)
Authors: Bob Coleman, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 189 kb
Pages: 6


2006 Native Warm Season Perennial Grasses Report

12/15/2006 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 136 kb
Pages: 4


2006 Tall Fescue Report

12/6/2006 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 184 kb
Pages: 8


2005 Orchardgrass Report

1/20/2006 (reprinted)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 177 kb
Pages: 6


2005 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

1/7/2006 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 243 kb
Pages: 10


2005 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report

1/7/2006 (new)
Authors: Bob Coleman, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 178 kb
Pages: 6


2005 Native Warm-Season Perennial Grasses Report

1/7/2006 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 206 kb
Pages: 4


2005 Annual and Perrenial Ryegrass Report

1/5/2006 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 187 kb
Pages: 8


2005 Timothy and Kentucky Bluegrass Report

12/15/2005 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 176 kb
Pages: 6


2005 Tall Fescue Report

12/1/2005 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 181 kb
Pages: 6


2004 Native Warm Season Perennial Grasses Report

7/1/2005 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 106 kb
Pages: 4


2004 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Variety Report: Tolerance to Horses

2/20/2005 (new)
Authors: Bob Coleman, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, David Powell, Ray Smith

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences, Veterinary Science
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 538 kb
Pages: 6


2004 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Report

2/20/2005 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Eric Vanzant

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 555 kb
Pages: 14


2004 Timothy Report

2/1/2005 (new)
Authors: Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 183 kb
Pages: 4


2004 Tall Fescue Report

2/1/2005 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 279 kb
Pages: 6


2004 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

2/1/2005 (new)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 329 kb
Pages: 6


2004 Orchardgrass Report

1/30/2005 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 277 kb
Pages: 6


2003 Tall Fescue Report

4/1/2004 (reprinted)
Authors: Mike Collins, David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 88 kb
Pages: 6


2003 Orchardgrass Report

4/1/2004 (reprinted)
Authors: Mike Collins, David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 84 kb
Pages: 6


2003 Timothy Report

4/1/2004 (reprinted)
Authors: Mike Collins, David Ditsch, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 77 kb
Pages: 4


2003 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

4/1/2004 (reprinted)
Authors: Mike Collins, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 85 kb
Pages: 6


2003 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Variety Report: Tolerance to Horses

1/10/2004 (new)
Authors: Bob Coleman, Mike Collins, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Tim Phillips, David Powell, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences, Veterinary Science
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 87 kb
Pages: 8


2003 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Variety Report

1/10/2004 (new)
Authors: Mike Collins, Charles Dougherty, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri, Eric Vanzant

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 115 kb
Pages: 14


Kentucky Bluegrass as a Forage Crop

11/1/2003 (minor revision)
Authors: Garry Lacefield, Monroe Rasnake

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, nutrition and health, production practices
Size: 13 kb


Annual Ryegrass

9/15/2003 (new)
Authors: Mike Collins, Dan Grigson, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Monroe Rasnake, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 97 kb
Pages: 2



7/30/2003 (minor revision)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips

Orchardgrass is a versatile grass and can be used for pasture, hay, green chop, or silage. This high-quality grass will provide excellent feed for most classes of livestock.

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 100 kb
Pages: 2


Tall Fescue

7/30/2003 (minor revision)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 115 kb
Pages: 4


2002 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Variety Report

3/15/2003 (new)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri, Eric Vanzant

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 102 kb
Pages: 8


2002 Timothy Report

1/31/2003 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 69 kb
Pages: 4


2002 Orchardgrass Report

1/31/2003 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 81 kb
Pages: 4


2002 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

1/31/2003 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 86 kb
Pages: 6


2002 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Variety Report: Tolerance to Horses

1/31/2003 (new)
Authors: Bob Coleman, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Tim Phillips, David Powell, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences, Veterinary Science
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 79 kb
Pages: 4


2002 Tall Fescue Report

1/10/2003 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 85 kb
Pages: 6



10/1/2002 (minor revision)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Monroe Rasnake

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 95 kb
Pages: 2


2001 Tall Fescue Report

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 60 kb
Pages: 4


2001 Timothy Report

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 52 kb
Pages: 4


2001 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 67 kb
Pages: 5


2001 Orchardgrass Report

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 71 kb
Pages: 5


2001 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Variety Report

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 88 kb
Pages: 12


2001 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Variety Report: Tolerance to Horses

5/13/2002 (reprinted)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence, Tim Phillips, David Powell, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences, Veterinary Science
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses, research, variety trials
Size: 57 kb
Pages: 4


New Recommendations for Perennial Ryegrass Seedings for Kentucky Horse Farms

1/1/2002 (new)
Authors: Lowell Bush, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Christopher Schardl, Paul Vincelli

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences, Plant Pathology
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, horses
Size: 41 kb
Pages: 2


Understanding Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue and Its Effect on Broodmares

5/1/2001 (reprinted)
Authors: Bob Coleman, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Laurie Lawrence

Departments: Animal and Food Sciences, Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Interdepartmental (ID series)
Tags: animals, cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, nutrition and health, production practices
Size: 362 kb
Pages: 2


2000 Timothy Report

2/10/2001 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 188 kb
Pages: 4


2000 Annual and Perennial Ryegrass Report

2/5/2001 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 206 kb
Pages: 4


2000 Orchardgrass Report

1/31/2001 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 209 kb
Pages: 6


2000 Tall Fescue Report

1/30/2001 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 207 kb
Pages: 6


2000 Cool Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Variety Report

1/10/2001 (new)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 77 kb
Pages: 12


1999 Orchardgrass Report

2/15/2000 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 189 kb
Pages: 6


1999 Cool-Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Variety Report

1/31/2000 (new)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 189 kb
Pages: 6


1999 Tall Fescue Report

1/31/2000 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 191 kb
Pages: 6


1998 Cool Season Grass Grazing Tolerance Variety Report

4/1/1999 (new)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 112 kb
Pages: 12


1998 Tall Fescue Report

2/1/1999 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 82 kb
Pages: 8


1998 Orchardgrass Report

1/29/1999 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 85 kb
Pages: 8


1997 Tall Fescue Report

12/20/1997 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 46 kb
Pages: 6


1997 Orchardgrass Report

1/1/1997 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Tim Phillips, Robert Spitaleri

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 52 kb
Pages: 6


1996 Tall Fescue Variety Trials

12/1/1996 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Len Lauriault, Tim Phillips

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 178 kb
Pages: 8


1996 Orchardgrass Variety Trials

12/1/1996 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Len Lauriault, Tim Phillips

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 150 kb
Pages: 6


1996 Timothy Variety Trials

12/1/1996 (new)
Authors: David Ditsch, Jimmy Henning, Len Lauriault, Tim Phillips

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 124 kb
Pages: 3


Problems in Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies of Cool Season Grasses

10/1/1996 (new)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Ken Wells

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses
Size: 12 kb
Pages: 2


1995 Orchardgrass Variety Trials

4/1/1996 (reprinted)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 30 kb
Pages: 8


1995 Tall Fescue Report

4/1/1996 (reprinted)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 61 kb
Pages: 14


1995 Timothy Report

1/1/1996 (new)
Authors: Len Lauriault

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 27 kb
Pages: 8


Fertilization of Cool-Season Grasses

3/5/1995 (reprinted)
Authors: Charles Dougherty, Lloyd Murdock, Ken Wells

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Agronomy (AGR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, nutrient management, production practices
Size: 16 kb


1994 Orchardgrass Variety Trials

12/1/1994 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 32 kb
Pages: 10


1994 Tall Fescue Variety Trials

12/1/1994 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 33 kb
Pages: 9


1993 Tall Fescue Variety Trials

12/1/1993 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 23 kb
Pages: 8


1993 Orchardgrass Variety Trials

12/1/1993 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 25 kb
Pages: 7


1992 Tall Fescue Yield Update

3/1/1993 (new)
Authors: Jimmy Henning

Departments: Plant and Soil Sciences
Series: Progress Report (PR series)
Tags: cover and forage crops, crops and plants, farm crops, grasses, research, variety trials
Size: 36 kb
Pages: 12